Molebridge Practice Update | News Centre

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Molebridge Practice Update

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The GP partners at Molebridge Practice have recently informed us they would like to exit their current contract to provide primary care services. Having met with the partners, we know this has been an incredibly difficult decision for the GPs and, following this news, we are working closely with the practice to confirm alternative arrangements as quickly as possible. 

We understand this news may be worrying for patients and we would like to reassure them that we are doing everything we can to find a swift solution that will be in the best interests of the local community.

As an organisation, we are committed to retaining the practice and maintaining services at both the Leatherhead and Fetcham sites and we will share further updates with patients and the local community as soon as we can, working closely with the practice. In the meantime, services at Molebridge practice continue to operate as usual so patients can continue to access services and seek advice, as they do currently. 

Our priority remains making sure local residents continue to have good access to local services and we will continue to work closely with the practice, the surgery’s Patient Participation Group, local Residents Associations, Healthwatch Surrey, local MPs and the wider community as we continue urgent work to confirm new arrangements as quickly as possible.

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