Surrey hospitals under significant pressure | News Centre

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News and media releases from across East Surrey and the Surrey Heartlands area

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Surrey hospitals under significant pressure

Ambulances parked outside a hospital

All hospitals across Surrey are currently under significant pressure. 

Please help us by using the right service. 

If your condition isn’t life-threatening, use other NHS services such as NHS 111 (by phone or online), your local pharmacy or GP practice, as well as local Walk-in Centres and Minor Injury Units.

Please only attend Emergency Departments (A&E) for serious illnesses, accidents and life-threatening emergencies.

You should continue to call 999 if your condition is life-threatening.

Help us make sure emergency care is available to those who need it most.

Get the right care and support

A detailed infographic titled "Your guide to NHS services" featuring logos for Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership and NHS. It is divided into sections with icons and brief descriptions of NHS services: Pharmacy and self-care, 0-19 years advice line, Call a Midwife, NHS 111, GP, Mental health and emotional wellbeing, Minor Injuries Unit, and Emergency Department (A&E) and 999. The "Call a Midwife" section now highlights maternity concerns for specific hospitals: Epsom & St Helier, Ashford & St Peter’s, and Royal Surrey Hospitals. Each section has examples of conditions or scenarios for which the service is suitable, alongside relevant contact details.

Image description:

Your guide to NHS services.

Pharmacy and self-care: 

No appointment needed.

  • Ear infections
  • Sore throat
  • Impetigo
  • Bites and stings
  • Sinusitis
  • Coughs, colds
  • Minor cuts
  • Allergies

0-19 years advice line:

Call 01883 340 922, 8am-5pm (Mon to Fri excl. Bank Holidays).

  • Advice on child health, development, and parenting
  • Families with children 0-19 years

Call a Midwife:
Call 0300 123 5473, 24/7 urgent maternity triage line. Urgent maternity concerns for those under the care of: Epsom & St Helier, Ashford & St Peter’s and Royal Surrey Hospitals.
NHS 111:
Call 111, 24/7 or go online for over 5s.

  • Urgent health advice

Linking you with the services you need, e.g., out of hours GP and other services

Contact your practice online or by phone.

  • Persistent symptoms
  • Chronic pain
  • Long-term conditions
  • Unusual lumps, bumps

Mental health and emotional wellbeing: 

Visit the Healthy Surrey website 

Minor Injuries Unit:
Serious non-emergency conditions

  • Minor broken bones
  • Cuts and grazes that won’t stop bleeding
  • Bangs to the head

Emergency Department (A&E) and 999:
Medical emergencies only

  • Blacking out
  • Broken bones
  • Serious blood loss
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Choking
  • Chest pains

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